
Submission date2014-12-30 16:20:04.688483
Matches played565
Win rate66.73

Use to play unranked matches on your computer.

Source code:

import random

    'PR':1, 'RS':1, 'SP':1,
    'RR':0, 'SS':0, 'PP':0,
    'RP':-1, 'SR':-1, 'PS':-1

if input == "":
    rfScore = 0
    qScore = 0
    rfScore += RFSCORING[me[-1] + input]
    qScore += rps.SCORING[rps.action + input]

w = {'RR':0, 'RP':-1, 'RS':1,
     'PP':0, 'PS':-1, 'PR':1,
     'SS':0, 'SR':-1, 'SP':1}

b = {'R':'P', 'S':'R', 'P':'S'}

if input == "":
    me, you = "", ""

rfOutput = random.choice(['R','P','S'])
you += input

if input == "":
    count = 0
    score = 0
    count += 1
    score += w[me[-1] + input]

if count > 50:

    s = you[-2:]

    best = 0
    a = ""

    for third in "RPS":
        ss = s + third
        c = you.count(ss)
        if c > best:
            best = c
            a = third

    if best >= count / 10:
        rfOutput = b[a]

me += rfOutput

class RockPaperScissors():
    SCORING = {
        'PR':1, 'RS':1, 'SP':1,
        'RR':0, 'SS':0, 'PP':0,
        'RP':-1, 'SR':-1, 'PS':-1
    CONV = {
        'SS':'S', 'PP':'S', 'RR':'S',
        'RP':'U', 'PS':'U', 'SR':'U',
        'PR':'D', 'SP':'D', 'RS':'D'

    def __init__(self):
        self.rounds = 3
        self.wins = 0
        self.ties = 3
        self.losses = 0
        self.opHistRaw = ""
        self.myHistRaw = ""
        self.results = [0,0,0]
        self.score = 0.5
        self.recentScore = 0
        self.lookback = 2
        self.last = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
        self.lastState = None
        self.action = 'R'

    def state(self, newState = False):
        n = self.lookback
            #s = str(sum(self.results[-n:])) + str(self.opHist[-n:]) + str(self.myHist[-n:])
            s = str(self.opHistRaw[-n:]) + str(self.myHistRaw[-n:])
        except Exception, e:
            s = "-"

        return s

    def play(self, opMove):

        self.rounds += 1
        self.opHistRaw += opMove
        self.myHistRaw += self.action

        self.results += [self.SCORING[self.action + opMove]]

        self.score = 1.0 * sum(self.results) / self.rounds

## Meet our learning agent, Jack
class Jack:
    def __init__(self, learnRate = 0.05, discountRate = 0.98, greedy = .1):
        self.learnRate = learnRate  ## how much the Q-values are modified each iteration
        self.discountRate = discountRate  ## how much to discount 'looking ahead'
        self.greedy = greedy  ## how often the agent should make a random choice
        self.updates = 0
        self.q = dict()

    ## Returns initial setting for an entry in the Q table if none exists
    ## Experimenting with different values causes different results
    def InitQValue(self):
        #return {'S':0.0, 'U':0.0, 'D':0.0}
        return {'R':1.001, 'P':1.001, 'S':1.001}

    ## Returns what it believes to be the best action based on the Q table,
    ## unless it's one of those greedy (explorative) times
    def MaxQ(self, q):
        #greedy = self.greedy - self.greedy * self.updates / 300000
        ## ^^ experimenting with decreasing chance of exploration over time
        if rps.rounds < 5 or random.random() < self.greedy or (q['R'] == q['P'] == q['S']):
            return random.choice(q.keys())

        best = max(q.values())
        if q['R'] == q['S'] == best:
            return random.choice(['R', 'S'])
        if q['S'] == q['P'] == best:
            return random.choice(['S', 'P'])
        if q['R'] == q['P'] == best:
            return random.choice(['R', 'P'])

        for a in q.keys():
            if q[a] == best:
                action = a

        return action

    ## Given a state, returns an action, based on our action policy
    ## ('Hard-greedy', chooses action corresponding to max Q value almost always)
    def QAction(self, trans=True):
        ss = rps.state()

        if not self.q.has_key(ss):
            self.q[ss] = self.InitQValue()
        a = self.MaxQ(self.q[ss])

        return a

    ## This method is the body of the mind, so to speak.
    ## It's called after taking an action and seeing the result, and
    ## the original state, the resulting state, and the action it took
    ## are plugged into the Q algorithm to update the table appropriately.
    def QUpdate(self):
        action = rps.action
        lastAction = rps.myHistRaw[-1]
        state = rps.lastState
        newState = rps.state()
        #result = sum(rps.results[rps.lookback:]) + rps.score
        result = rps.results[-1]

        ss = rps.lastState
        if not self.q.has_key(ss):
            self.q[ss] = self.InitQValue()

        nss = rps.state()
        if not self.q.has_key(nss):
            self.q[nss] = self.InitQValue()

        qValue = self.q[ss][lastAction]
        self.updates += 1

        #self.learnRate = 1.0 / (self.updates / 1000 + 1)
        ## ^^ experimenting with a 1/n style alpha parameter to ensure convergence
        self.q[ss][lastAction] = qValue + self.learnRate * (result +
        #    self.discountRate * max(self.q[nss].values()) - qValue)
        ## ^^ above line is technically the Q algorithm, while the below
        ##    is known as SARSA... but they perform nearly identically
            self.discountRate * self.q[nss][action] - qValue)
            #self.discountRate * self.q[nss][nss[-1]] - qValue)

        ## Either way, the learning mechanism is wholely in that one
        ## statement above... i.e.,
        ## Q(s,a) <-- Q(s,a)+alpha(r+lambda*Q(s',t')-Q(s,a))

if input == "":
    rps = RockPaperScissors()
    jack = Jack()

rps.lastState = rps.state()
if input != "":
    output = jack.QAction()
    rps.action = output
    output = jack.QAction()
    rps.action = output

if rfScore > qScore:
    output = rfOutput